I can’t believe I am about to enter the last official month of my PURE term. Of course I will be continuing with this project for the better part of the coming academic year but it is hard to believe I have already been working on this for three months! Things are going very well which is always a nice place to be. Next week I am planning to add the finishing touches to my literature review. Ultimately I think it would be great to get this literature review or some variation of it published in a journal so I am currently in the process of reaching out to some journals to see if this is a possibility. August will be mostly focused on finding and proposing other ways in which I can present my research. Of course the biggest way I will be presenting my research is through the workshop series that I have built this summer which will be delivered to pre-service teachers in January of 2023. That being said, with all the work that has gone into this project I think it would be great if I can share my research in other venues as well! Currently I am working on drafting a proposal to present at the Calgary Teachers Convention in February 2023(https://www.cctca.com/). I am looking forward to the challenge of condensing my four one hour sessions that make up the workshop series into a 60 minute session to present if I am accepted. It will be great to learn how to consolidate the knowledge I have gained into a condensed session of key points. Taking my proposal for the Calgary Teachers Convention I am also looking into applying to present a 60 minute workshop at WestCAST in the winter semester (https://conferences.usask.ca/westcast2022/index.php)
Another thing on my radar in August is my PURE final report. I am excited to write this as a way to look back and reflect on all that I’ve done this summer, but I am also glad that this report won’t mark the end of my research. This project has been such a wonderful experience for me so far and I am delighted that I am now entering the stage where I can begin to really share all that I have learned with others.
